Firstly, hello and welcome to my website. 
My passion for photography started at 8 years old when I was gifted a 35mm film camera by my parents. At this time, I was battling a heart condition, encountering surgery and having to spend large amounts of time resting. Rather than the sedentary life becoming a negative experience, for me, it reinforced my passion for photography. I spent many hours sitting by my local pond in the New Forest waiting for the elusive Kingfisher. The excitement was phenomenal when I finally secured my shots, however, owning a 70mm lens, having to wait for the film to wind on to the end and after the processing and developing of the prints, it was somewhat disappointing. This lengthy process, coupled with the end result of a small blue speck in the centre of a 6x4 print, resulted in my desire to improve my kit
Fast forward 9 years and I now own an upgraded digital camera, an array of lenses and enough equipment to avoid a repeat of the Kingfisher experience. My photographs are now enjoyed by a far wider audience than those early days where my family and friends spent hours encouraging me.
Despite diversifying more recently, I remain passionate about Wildlife, having been shortlisted in 2012 as Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year, as well as, British Wildlife Photographer of the Year, both with elusive Kingfisher images. Other recognitions include, In 2018, I achieved runner up in the Worldwide Guild of Photographers “Equine image of the Year”. In 2021, I achieved x2 Nominee and in 2024, I achieved x1 Nominee, in the Worldwide Fine Art Photography Awards. Finally in 2023, I was awarded Bronze Equestrian Photographer of the Year 2023.
Alongside competitions, I have continued my training, achieving Qualified Status with the Guild of Photographers, I have also gained my licentiateship with both the Royal Photographic Society and the National Photographic Society.
My passion and commitment to photography continues to grow and I look forward to developing my portfolio, skills, experience and qualifications in years to come.
Thank you for taking the time to read my bio.
Best Wishes,
Thank you!